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Larry Ham, MSPT, ATC, JSCCI  **Retired**

Larry has been a Physical Therapist since 1978, graduating from the University of Southern California.  He received his undergrad degree from Eastern Washington State College.  He has practiced in the Spokane area for his entire professional life.  He has been learning and implementing Strain and Counterstrain into his treatment armamentarium since the mid 1980's and has been teaching continuing educatiion in this technique around the country and twice in Australia over the past 11 years.  Speaking of Strain and Counterstrain, Larry states that "it is a continually evolving technique with new discoveries and implementations every year.  It continues to motivate me and supply me with the tools to treat more involved patients and improve their function and quality of life."  


Larry is married for the past 41 years to a retired PT and has 2 boys and 4 grandchildren all in Spokane.  Larry enjoys playing golf, spending time with his grand children and family and working on remodeling projects. 

Blondel Assonken, DPT


Blondel graduated from EWU with a Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2005. His training is very diverse and includes various manual therapy approaches. He has trained with the NAIOMT, the Mulligan institute, the Barral institute for visceral and neural meningeal work, and he is proficient with PRRT, PNT and TMR. Since moving to LHPT, Blondel has also integrated the SCS and FCS into his tool box. He loves to learn and find effective ways to help his patients. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends. 

David Lowe, DPT

David graduated WSU with a degree in Biology in 1993.  He earned his degree in Physical Therapy at UW in 1996.  Since then, he has worked in the outpatient orthopedic setting, treating a wide variety of diagnoses.  He is skilled in joint and soft tissue mobilization, along with a variety of orthopedic manual therapy techniques, including muscle energy technique for balancing the pelvic girdle.  He enjoys teaching, and has previously taught pathology at the Denton School of Massage, and Kinesiology at PIMA Medical Institute.  He enjoys providing manual therapy treatments to his patients, but also focuses strongly on patient education at each session, including education in gait, posture, body mechanics, and mechanics of pain.  He has a wife and grown daughter, and enjoys hiking, traveling, and exploring. 

Michele Finlayson, DPT

Michele graduated from the University of Montana with a docterate in physical therapy. She has practiced physical therapy since 2007 in a variety of settings, most recently outpatient, and had the opportunity to train one-on-one in the strain-counterstrain technique with Larry Ham, PT. She loves to recreate and enjoy the outdoors with her husband and sons. 

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Michael Woodland, PTA, JSCC


Mike graduated from the Physical Therapist Assistant program at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, WA in December of 2016. After school he and his wife decided to make the move to Spokane to be closer to extended family.  Mike is well trained in a variety of manual therapies and as of November 2020 became a Board Certified Practitioner of the Counterstrain technique by the Jones Institute. He has three young children who keep him and his wife extremely busy.

Contact Us

Tel: 509-532-0500

Fax: 509-532-8810


Locations & Hours

South Hill

3010 S Southeast Blvd

Suite G
Spokane, WA 99223

Mon - Fri: 7am - 5:30pm

© 2018 Larry Ham & Assoc. Physical Therapy P.S.

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